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Privacy statement:

BU + AUB PARTS society always aims to stay updated with fresh, accurate and appropriate content. If it’s not, we apologize.


Only employees and members of BU + AUB PARTS society have the authority to speak on behalf of the company on its online platforms.



It is critical that you show proper respect for the laws governing copyright and fair use or fair dealing of copyrighted material owned by others, including BU&AUB PARTS Societies own copyrights and brands.


You should never quote more than short excerpts of content posted on BU + AUB PARTS Societies online platforms. Always attribute such work to the original author/source. Link to BU + AUB PARTS Society’s work rather than reproduce it.



We care about protecting our consumer’s privacy. When contacting BU + AUB PARTS Society through either email or Facebook messages, the information received will be confidential and will not be shared to any third part.

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